Psychologists in Part-Time Independent Practice. Description and Comparison

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The characteristics, activities, and clients of psychologists in part-time independent practice (N = 157) are described in detail and then compared to those of psychologists in full-time independent practice. The prototypical Division 42 part-time practitioner is a 47-year-old white male with a doctorate in clinical psychology. Part-time practitioners are typically not academicians but clinicians employed in clinics or institutions. The part-time practice averages 9.5 hr per week and has typically existed for over 11 years. If assured of an adequate caseload, most part-timers would substantially increase their involvement in private practice, and 41% would become full-timers. Median length of treatment was 6.3 months, and the median number of sessions was 14.6. Several negative stereotypes of the part-time independent practitioner are not supported by these findings. Several interesting differences between part-time and full-time practitioners are discussed. Part-time independent practice offers the professional psychologist diverse, balanced, and rich career experiences. © 1985 American Psychological Association.

Publication Title, e.g., Journal

Professional Psychology: Research and Practice




