The Influence of Engagement and Satisfaction on Smoking Cessation Interventions: A Qualitative Study

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Date of Original Version



Background: Tobacco use remains the leading cause of preventable disease and death. Most smokers are not motivated to quit; however, most smoking cessation interventions are designed for smokers who are ready to take action. Objectives: The aim of the present study was to describe participant engagement and satisfaction with telephonic smoking cessation coaching with a population of smokers at different stages of readiness to quit. Methods: Qualitative description was used to capture the experiences of 62 individuals who participated in telephonic smoking cessation coaching using semistructured interviews. Results: Results indicate that person-centered communication facilitated engagement and was valued equally or more than perceived coach smoking cessation knowledge. Engagement with the intervention was associated with increased satisfaction, smoking cessation/reduction and perceived convenience of intervention. Conclusions/Importance: Findings indicate that unmotivated smokers can be proactively recruited and engaged in telephonic smoking cessation treatment and that person-centered communication and convenience are important variables that should be considered when implementing health interventions. Telephonic coaching has the potential to reach a large segment of the population with access barriers and could lead to important health behavior change. Intensive provider training that includes person-centered communication strategies is strongly recommended. Specific suggestions for successful implementation and dissemination are provided.

Publication Title, e.g., Journal

Substance Use and Misuse




