Using the transtheoretical model for population-based approaches to health promotion and disease prevention

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Using the Transtheoretical Model for Population-based Approaches to Health Promotion and Disease Prevention - Wayne F. Velicer, James O. Prochask, Joseph L. Fava, Joseph S. Rossi, Colleen A. Redding, Robert G. Laforge, Mark L. Robbins - Homeostasis 40, 5, 2000 - Health behaviors (tobacco use, diet, physical inactivity, risky sexual practices, and other health behaviors) account for approximately 50% of all premature mortality. There is growing evidence that the behavioral determinants of disease can be successfully modified. Advances in our understanding of human behavior change are critical to developing successful interventions. The Transtheoretical Model has served as the conceptual basis for developing successful interventions. The central organizing construct of the model is the Stages of Change. The model also includes a series of independent variables, the Processes of Change, and a series of outcome measures, including the Decisional Balance and the Temptation scales. Applications from smoking cessation illustrate how the model can be used to guide recruitment, intervention design, feedback, and outcome assessment. Successful intervention must combine high recruitment rates with effective interventions in order to produce behavior change at the population level.

Publication Title, e.g., Journal

Homeostasis in Health and Disease





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