Test of Structural Relationships Within a Proposed Exercise and Self-Esteem Model

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Date of Original Version



This study tested structural relationships within a model proposed to explain the manner in which self-esteem changes are associated with exercise experiences. As initially assessed by self-efficacies (EFFs) specific to physical tasks within a training program, we postulated that competence can generalize to feelings of global self-esteem (SE) through an intervening construct of perceived physical competence (PC). Three measures of EFF and two each of PC and SE were administered to 145 people in their mid- to late adulthood. Confirmatory factor analysis examined orthogonal and oblique versions of three measurement models and identified three distinct but correlated factors, each assessed by its hypothesized indicators. Alternative structural equation models were specified and tested using both normal and nonnormal estimation procedures. The proposed model provided the most parsimonious fit and explained 29% of the variance in SE. Confirmation of its structural relationships provides preliminary validity for model use in examining the manner in which exercise experiences influence levels of self-perception. © 1991, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Publication Title, e.g., Journal

Journal of Personality Assessment




