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The goal of QUantifying Interocean fluxes in the Cape Cauldron Hotspot of Eddy kinetic energy (QUICCHE) was to observe mixing and stirring in the Cape Basin in the southeast Atlantic Ocean across time and space scales ranging from seconds to months and from centimeters to tens of kilometers using a variety of sensors and platforms. As part of QUICCHE, two inverted echo sounders equipped with bottom pressure gauges and current meters (CPIES) were deployed at sites designated CP01 and CP02 at 4676 and 4895 m depth respectively, from March 2023 to April 2024. This report documents the processing of data collected from these two CPIES. CTDs were taken at each CPIES site.
Recommended Citation
Kennelly, Maureen and Donohue, Kathleen A., "QUICCHE CPIES Data Report" (2025). Physical Oceanography Technical Reports. Paper 39.