Computation of the wavemaking resistance of a Harley surface effect ship

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Date of Original Version



Still water resistance tests for a 2.3-m model of a Harley surface effect ship (HSC-SES), completed in August 2002, are presented. Few published studies of such a SES exist, and none provide useful measurements of the wetted surface area, which is needed to extrapolate results and predict full-scale HSC-SES performance. Here, estimates of wavemaking drag are made using free-surface elevations measured within the starboard air cushion. Separately, a numerical model, based on a fast-multipole accelerated boundary element method, is used to model fully nonlinear potential flow wave resistance of moving pressure patches, which correspond roughly to the HSC-SES cushions' footprint. The computed wave resistance roughly agrees with measurements taken during the towing tank tests. Copyright © 2007 by The International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers(ISOPE).

Publication Title, e.g., Journal

Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference
