Date of Award


Degree Type

Capstone Project

First Advisor

Bahram Nassersharif

Second Advisor

D.M.L. Meyer


The design project's objective was to minimize point to point variation in foam produced by Rogers Corporation by altering the current production line. The project involved three tests on Rogers' Research and Development Pilot Line in Rogers, CT using the team's process that was designed. The tests consisted of running different possible solutions that the team designed. Once the tests were over, the thickness was measured across the width of a foam pelt from each trial. The measurements were taken every half inch across the width of the pelt. The thickness and thickness variation for each test was analyzed to find the best solution using graphs constructed in MATLAB. The solution that minimizes point to point variation and holds the thickness tolerance the best is the PET carrier. The team believes this is because of the PET is a stiffer material and when the carrier isn't supports in the oven it buckles much less than the paper carrier. We also made a huge break through by ruling out that the problem stems from the bank which is what our sponsor believed. Where the problem actually occurs is in the oven in the areas where the carrier and foam are not supported. If the carrier is not stiff enough to hold the weight of the foam and the axial tension produced by the rollers, it will buckle and cause the thickness point to point to vary drastically.


Sponsor: Rogers Corporation
