Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Marine Affairs


The purpose of this thesis is to examine an approach for improving management in Pulau Seribu National Marine Park based on better relations between managers, local government and communities. It includes: a description of the Pulau Seribu National Marine Park, a literature review on community participation, a description of the national governance of marine conservation in Indonesia, and a proposed mechanism for community participation in park management. In an effort to manage its marine resources, Indonesia has established a well-structured institutional framework and body of environmental legislation. However, this administrative structure does not as yet include a mechanism for accommodating community involvement in resource management. This thesis recommends the creation of a body of management which includes the park authority, local government representatives, and members of local communities. This entity should proceed in a sequence of activities that starts with: initializing the process, establishing community contact, then proceeds to community training and education, and finally the formation of user groups that participate actively in the planning and management process.
