Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Biological and Environmental Sciences (MSBES)


Environmental and Earth Sciences



First Advisor

Dawn Cardace


Lava caves are widespread in volcanic terrains on Earth and other worlds, containing metal-rich rock compositions that attract life and react with waters in dark and secluded environments. Water-rock reactions in these settings promote alteration of the basalt substrate and initiate the formation of secondary minerals in addition to colonization by microbes. The varieties of secondary minerals present in lava caves can serve as indicators of weathering types, previous environmental conditions, reaction progress, and may even be useful in preserving potential biosignatures. Secondary mineral samples from lava caves at Lava Beds National Monument were collected and analyzed with X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) to determine their mineralogy. Geochemical modeling of similar basalt and groundwater interactions, using the Geochemist’s Workbench, was conducted to compare with field-based findings. Carbonate and clay minerals were abundant amongst samples collected in the field and were predicted in model outputs in the initial stages of the reaction. This indicates water-rock reactions at Lava Beds National Monument are still ongoing, have yet to reach thermodynamic equilibrium, and may provide energy to microbes living within the caves. Since lava caves are present on other worlds and are sheltered from environmental stresses through time, they are ideal astrobiological targets where minerals, microbes or biosignatures may be found.

Biofilm_FTIR - Biofilm Combined.pdf (254 kB)
Biofilm FTIR raw data

HC Coatings - Sheet4.pdf (282 kB)
FTIR raw data for HC secondary mineral samples

React_output_LABE_pdf.pdf (223 kB)
GWB model output file

STD Minerals FTIR - Primary Mineral Standards.pdf (364 kB)
FTIR raw data for primary mineral samples

STD Minerals FTIR - Secondary mineral standards.pdf (384 kB)
FTIR raw data for secondary mineral standards

STD Minerals FTIR - Unaltered.pdf (325 kB)
FTIR raw data for unaltered HC and VAL samples

Valentine cave mineral coatings - Sheet3.pdf (364 kB)
FTIR raw data for VAL secondary mineral samples

Available for download on Thursday, November 21, 2024
