Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Computer Science


Computer Science and Statistics

First Advisor

Joan Peckham


The goal of this thesis is to create tools for Anti-Microbial Peptide Database AMPed, developed by Professor Lenore Martin’s microbial peptide research group at University of Rhode Island. The database is for Researchers and Biologists, as they will be the main users. To develop a functioning and efficient database there should be tools that are relevant to the users of the database. In our case, the primary users are biologists, needing to calculate specific results or to visualize their data. The tools that are developed as a part for this thesis are the MIC (Minimal Inhibitory Concentration) and MLC (Minimal Lethal Concentration) calculator, the Mass spectrometry fragmentation prediction tool.

With the help of these tools, researchers can upload their lab data, perform the calculation and see results using graphical visualizations.

Also, in addition to this, normalization of the database is performed, as this is an editable database and we may need to change the schema as necessary (add and delete attributes) and re-normalize the database. We use the agile software development process to support these iterative changes.



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