




Ashley, Christy

Advisor Department





marketing, google, advertising, maple, SEO, advertisement

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 License.


In February of 2018, The University of Rhode Island was given a grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture in the form of $470,000 to research the benefits of maple and communicate these properties to the northeast region of the United States. The grant was awarded to increase domestic maple sales through research and spreading awareness on the benefits of maple including its anti-inflammatory and glucose stability properties as well as its beauty capability to fight wrinkles. This research has also shown that maple could be a healthier alternative for sugar and artificial sweetener.

This project aims at using Google Ads to spread awareness of the benefits of maple found by the research done at the University of Rhode Island while using a $3,000 budget. Several Google Ads were used for this project while specifying a target market, using location-based targeting, creating keywords, and deciding on what maple benefit to emphasize in the advertisement. These advertisements were run over the span of three months while weekly optimizing, adding keywords, and removing sections that were underperforming. Health, beauty, and recipe-based promotions and landing pages were used to attract the target consumer. Optimizing these advertisements occurred on a weekly basis while updating keywords to obtain the most attractive clicks, impressions, cost per click, click through rate, and cost. A bidding strategy of manual CPC was used in conjunction with Google’s maximizing clicks strategy to achieve quality impressions and clicks.

The result of this project is to present the most effective way to advertise maple using Google Ads and create the most valuable impressions.
