
Collyer, Charles [faculty advisor, Department of Psychology]




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happiness; peace; cultures; literature


All my life I have always wanted to make a difference in people’s lives. As I come to the last stretch of my bachelor’s degree I can look back on all the moments in school and in the workplace where my path was elusive and I longed for expression. In creating these two books I have shaped a platform where people across the globe can come together and share their voice. There are times when we all feel that no one is listening to us, and no one understands us. Over the last few months I have talked with people across the globe. They have shared their stories, poems, private musings, photographs, and most importantly themselves. In sharing the sorrowful joy and the joyful sorrow of our lives as engaged people we begin to see ourselves in the lives of one another. World Voice: Invisible Lines is a snap shot of a small space in time and a select few people that now know “We” are listening. World Voice: Invisible Lines seeks to foster communication and commonality of all people across borders. With this book you will read a written expression of what is fundamentally important to people all over the world. We all have a need to share ourselves with another and when you read this book you share in their voice. Take your place, take a chance, leave your mark, and share your voice. We are a community within your community, and listening is only one part of the conversation. In Mindfulness and Peaceful Living I seek to share my journey, and my life through the principles of spiritual connection and community. Have you ever wanted to take time out from your life and figure out for yourself what the big picture means for you? There have been times in my life where I have felt that my everyday philosophy and path were at odds with my spiritual path. The problem I was having is I wanted to take something from outside myself and somehow apply it to clarify my whole existence. In this book I explore different ways in which to live a peaceful and mindful life while taking a look at how it is we know what we know. These projects complement each other as I was able to be exposed to many different people as I wrote these books. I believe that if I have made the world even just a little bit better by doing this it is a success for us all.

WVIL.pdf (10058 kB)
World Voice

WV_cover.pdf (8198 kB)
World Voice cover

Mindfulness_cover.pdf (2686 kB)
Mindfulness cover

HonorsPro.doc (34 kB)

Speach happens.doc (30 kB)
Speach happens.doc

Iamlistening.avi (11706 kB)
