


CONTRIBUTOR: Johnson, Galen [faculty advisor, Department of Philosophy] DATE: 2006 SUBJECT: Philosophy SUBJECT: Art FORMAT: Microsoft Word document, 27,648 bytes FORMAT: 34 JPEG images 2006 URI Senior Honors Project


place; art; paintings; photographs; philosophy


The concept of place, so intangible and yet embedded in all, remains a complicated and debated philosophical topic. What is place? Why are we drawn to certain places and averse to others? Why does a sense of home continue to feel so necessary to us – when there we are nurtured by it and when separated we long for it. Art works, places in themselves, provoke similar questions in us. We are drawn to certain works of art; they signify something to us in their being-in-the-world. Their place matters to us. Art is a place you can return (home) to. I chose to demonstrate art as place using photographs as the focal point of mixed-media panels. In photography, in a way unparalleled by the other visual arts, a moment in space and time is captured. In this depiction of a place, a new place is created. The collection of photographs were taken in Argentina, a foreign place I was inexplicably drawn to. For me, the sense of place within them is heightened. Can this sense be conveyed and shared? Each of us has our own places or works of art with an elevated place-ness. Addressed within the panels are issues such as individual connections to place, the museum and the place of the institution, meeting places, and the non-places of airports. I work through these topics with the help of philosophers such as Borges, Baudrillard and Casey, fiction writers and various artists.

a work of art.JPG (969 kB)
a work of art.JPG

airport zoom.JPG (804 kB)
airport zoom.JPG

airports.JPG (992 kB)

body.JPG (1088 kB)

body zoom.JPG (864 kB)
body zoom.JPG

borges.JPG (1026 kB)

city.JPG (1087 kB)

city words.JPG (928 kB)
city words.JPG

convergence.JPG (1153 kB)

convergence zoom.JPG (744 kB)
convergence zoom.JPG

convergence zoom 2.JPG (811 kB)
convergence zoom 2.JPG

convergence zoom 3.JPG (932 kB)
convergence zoom 3.JPG

drawing pad.JPG (895 kB)
drawing pad.JPG

intersection.JPG (1049 kB)

intersection 2.JPG (844 kB)
intersection 2.JPG

memory.JPG (1182 kB)

memory zoom.JPG (852 kB)
memory zoom.JPG

museum zoom 2.JPG (778 kB)
museum zoom 2.JPG

museum zooom.JPG (851 kB)
museum zooom.JPG

nature.JPG (1119 kB)

nature 2.JPG (792 kB)
nature 2.JPG

nature 3.JPG (850 kB)
nature 3.JPG

painting.JPG (973 kB)

painting word.JPG (854 kB)
painting word.JPG

painting zoom.JPG (807 kB)
painting zoom.JPG

path solo.JPG (767 kB)
path solo.JPG

paths.JPG (1028 kB)

poem.JPG (951 kB)

recoleta.JPG (1117 kB)

recoleta 2.JPG (821 kB)
recoleta 2.JPG

road quote.JPG (848 kB)
road quote.JPG

title.JPG (979 kB)
