
Graham, Allan [faculty advisor, College of Business Administration]




greenhouse gas regulation, climate change, cap and trade, emissions; pollution


In 2005, the Convention on Climate Change took many conceptual ideas regarding greenhouse gas emissions, best practices, and national environmental policies and committed the 192 member countries to legislation known as the Kyoto Protocol. The United States signed this protocol but it was not ratified, and therefore the United States need not and has not, been bound to the protocol. However, the new administration, under President Barack Obama, promises the United States is now ready to assume leadership in tackling climate change.

In December of this year, the United Nations Climate Change Conference will take place in Copenhagen, Denmark to draft a new Kyoto Protocol. In order for the United States to fulfill its promise of assuming leadership, it will need to demonstrate federal effort to battle climate change. The question arises, what will the administration do to battle climate change and how will it affect politics, corporations, and consumers?

The aim of my project is to forecast the likely outcomes of greenhouse gas regulation by using the MacRae and Wilde policy analysis process. My project focuses on comparing and analyzing a cap and trade method vs. implementing a carbon tax or command and control approach. Methods of my research include investigating proposed legislation, lobbying groups, non-profit organizations, and current events and articles. This project focuses heavily on personal interviews with experts in the field of greenhouse gas regulation.

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