Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Community Planning (MCP)


Community Planning and Area Development

First Advisor

Howard H. Foster, Jr.


It is estimated that there are thirty six million Americans who have limited mobility due to a temporary or permanent physical disability. Yet a disabled person need not be handicapped. "Handicappism" is a concept generated and perpetuated by the nondisabled community and its institutions. The word "handicap" implies irreparable damage. However, people with disabilities often view their physical limitations more in terms of the inconveniences imposed upon them by an environment designed for the able bodied.

Institutionalization once hid the needs of the disabled from our view, but changing attitudes, improved medical care, and technical advancements have made it possible for the aged and the handicapped to remain at home or in community care. This population has serious needs in regard to the removal of social and environmental barriers which hamper them in their daily living.



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