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GSO Technical Report Number


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The SYNOP Pilot Experiment was conducted off Cape Hatteras, from late November 1986 to early March 1987, to measure the path characteristics (position, angle, curvature), the time-varying current structure and transport of the Gulf Stream. Part of the purpose of this Experiment was to test new instrumentation techniques and moored array designs for a subsequent main SYNOP Experiment. Data collected as part of the Pilot Experiment included Inverted Echo Sounders (IESs), Current Meter moorings (CMs) and Acoustic Transport Meters (ATMs). This report documents the IES data and ATM data collected during the deployment period. Time series plots of the travel time and low-pass filtered thermocline depth measurements are presented for eleven instruments. Bottom pressure and temperature, measured at three of the sites are also plotted. Basic statistics are given for all the data records shown. Maps of the thermocline depth field in a 160 Km by 140 Km region are presented at daily intervals.