Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy in Civil and Environmental Engineering


Civil and Environmental Engineering

First Advisor

Vinka Craver


Stormwater runoff from impermeable surfaces, such as roads, roof tops, and parking lots, is a cause of non-point source pollution problem. Sources such as fossil fuel combustion, automobiles, and other human and animal activities introduce high concentration of organic, inorganic and pathogenic contaminants in to environment. Stormwater runoff carrying these contaminants when untreated has the potential to impair water quality in the receiving water bodies such as surface and ground waters. The existing treatment systems are not reliable and needed improvements in order to meet water quality standards. Determining the levels and sources of contamination in an environment can help mitigate the pollutant and reduce risk to humans. In here we have developed materials for use in stromwater treatment and applied source apportionment techniques to determine the sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in surface soils of San Mateo Ixtatán, Guatemala. In chapter 2 of this dissertation, we evaluated the pollutant removal capacity of pervious concrete pavement systems and propose a methodology to enhance the containment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) through organic modification of Rhode Island soils. In chapter 3 we have proposed using nano and polymer based materials for treatment of stormwater runoff contaminants such as pathogens, organic and inorganic contaminants. The modification materials had successfully increased the contaminant removal capacities of the materials. These proposed materials can find applications in Best management practices such as tree filters. In chapter 4 we have provide the levels, sources of PAHs in surface soils of San Mateo Ixtatán, Guatemala. In addition cancer risk assessment due to exposure to surface soil was performed.



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