Explore scholarly publications from the Department of Public Services faculty at the University of Rhode Island.


Manuscripts from 2024


Expanding the pathfinder’s purpose: A pedagogical approach to redesigning LibGuides, Amanda Crego-Emley and Kate Lambaria


Introducing emerging library instructors to information literacy instruction through programmatic instruction, Alicia G. Vaandering, Amanda K. Izenstark, Colin Braun, Erin Cunningham, Reina Kirkendall, and Laura Marasco

Every color of the rainbow: a framework for analyzing LGBTQIA + representation in children’s picture books, Alicia G. Vaandering and James W. Rosenzweig

Manuscripts from 2023


Build on what you have: Developing strategic information literacy through curriculum mapping, Alicia G. Vaandering


Sharing Pride Through Curriculum Materials Collections: The Evolution of LGBTQIA+ Representation in Picture Books, Alicia G. Vaandering, Amanda Melilli, and James W. Rosenzweig

Manuscripts from 2021


So You Want to Publish: Becoming a Researcher, Amanda K. Izenstark, Ann Agee, Holly Jackson, Anna Sandelli, and Linds Roberts

Manuscripts from 2020


The Globalized Library: American Academic Libraries and International Students, Collections, and Practices: by Yelma Luckert and Lindsay Inge Carpenter, Chicago, IL: American Library Association, 2019., Brian T. Gallagher


Review: The Engaged Library: High-Impact Educational Practices in Academic Libraries, Alicia G. Vaandering


Three Decades of the Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, Jing Jian Xiao, Beatrix Lavigueur, Amanda K. Izenstark, Sherman Hanna, and Francis C. Lawrence

Manuscripts from 2017


Forging on-campus connections to enhance undergraduate student reasoning, writing, and research skills, Belinda Archibong, Harrison Dekker, Nathan D. Grawe, Martha L. Olney, Carol Rutz, and David Weiman


What Are They Doing Anyway?: Library as Place and Student Use of a University Library, Angel Ferria, Brian T. Gallagher, Amanda Izenstark, Peter Larsen, Kelly LeMeur, Cheryl A. McCarthy, and Deborah Mongeau


A Dictionary of Computer Science (7th edition) (Review) RR 2017/134, Amanda Izenstark

The Expanding Impact and Reach of Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, Irene Mcivor Mason, Amanda Izenstark, and Jing Jian Xiao

Manuscripts from 2016


Do Faculty Know “IL”?: Information Literacy Understandings and General Education Student Learning Outcomes, Mary C. MacDonald, Jim Kinnie, and Amanda Izenstark


Copyright and Sharing Your Research, Andrée Rathemacher, Julia Lovett, and Amanda Izenstark

Manuscripts from 2015


Google Classroom for Librarians: Features and Opportunities, Amanda Izenstark and Katie L. Leahy

Manuscripts from 2014


Look Good When You're Googled: Creating and Optimizing Your Digital Identity, Amanda Izenstark


We're All In It Together: Professional Development Linking Multi-Type Libraries With Information Literacy Instruction Across One State, Cheryl A. McCarthy and Mary C. MacDonald

Manuscripts from 2013


Measure by Measure: Composing and Rehearsing a Campus-Wide IL Rubric, Jim Kinnie, Mary C. MacDonald, and Elaine Finan

Manuscripts from 2012


Create Your Own Cephalonian Method Adventure: An Interactive Session, Amanda Izenstark and Mary MacDonald


Teacher as Student: Lessons Learned in an Online Teaching Fellows Program, Jim Kinnie

Manuscripts from 2011


Need Exceeds Space: A Serials Withdrawal Project at the University of Rhode Island University Libraries, Brian T. Gallagher and Andrée J. Rathemacher


Learning Objects as Tools for Teaching Information Literacy Online: A Survey of Librarian Usage, Lori S. Mestre, Lisa Baures, Mona Niedbala, Corinne Bishop, Sarah Cantrell, Alice Perez, and Kate Silfen

Manuscripts from 2009

Doing without: Serving allied health programs at universities without medical schools, Robin B. Devin


Choosing the Right Free IM Providers and Clients for Your Library, Amanda Izenstark

Reports of conferences, institutes, and seminars, Rebecca Kemp, Shana McDanold, Posie Aagaard, Helen Heinrich, Regina Koury, Lisa Kurt, Megan Griffin, Andrée J. Rathemacher, Martha Rice Sanders, Kristine Kinzer, and Kurt Blythe

Manuscripts from 2008


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Revamping a Freshman Seminar Information Literacy Program, Amanda Izenstark and Mary C. MacDonald


Searching the Biological Literature, John L. Kelland

Manuscripts from 2006


The real world: Developing information age issues forums, Mary C. MacDonald, Amanda Izenstark, Brian T. Gallagher, Jim Kinnie, and Peter Larsen

The embedded librarian, Karen M. Ramsay and Jim Kinnie

Manuscripts from 2004

Back to the Future : Redesigning an Information Literacy Course for Distance Learners, Jim Kinnie

Public access to the shore: A Research Guide, Deborah Mongeau

Manuscripts from 2003

Coastal access and public policy: A selective annotated bibliography, Deborah Mongeau

Public Beach Access: An Annotated Bibliography, Deborah Mongeau

Manuscripts from 2002


Information Literacy: Challenges for the Future, Joanna M. Burkhardt, Mary C. MacDonald, and Andrée J. Rathemacher

Manuscripts from 2001


Blueprint for Planning a Successful Program, Joanna M. Burkhardt, Mary C. MacDonald, and Andree J. Rathemacher

Public access to the beach: A selective bibliography, Deborah Mongeau


New Learners, New Models: Cultivating an Information Literacy Program, Andrée J. Rathemacher, Mary C. MacDonald, and Joanna M. Burkhardt

Manuscripts from 2000


Challenges in Building an Incremental, Multi-Year Information Literacy Plan, Mary C. MacDonald, Andrée J. Rathemacher, and Joanna M. Burkhardt


New Learners, New Models: Cultivating an Information Literacy Program, Andrée J. Rathemacher, Mary C. MacDonald, and Joanna M. Burkhardt

Manuscripts from 1997


Expectations and Effectiveness Using CD-ROMs: What Do Patrons Want and How Satisfied Are They?, Cheryl A. McCarthy, Sylvia C. Krausse, and Arthur A. Little


The Library Inscriptions Carved by John Benson, 1992-1995: A Guide to the Nine Pieces, Kenneth T. Morse

Manuscripts from 1996

The influence of male care givers on child health in rural Haiti, Robin B. Devin and Pamela I. Erickson

Manuscripts from 1994

Attendance and grades in a human physiology course., C. S. Hammen and J. L. Kelland

Citation as a form of library use, John Laurence Kelland and Arthur P. Young

Manuscripts from 1993

Electronic networking and serials resources: Quotidian applications for the curious and the cynical, Birdie Maclennan and Robin B. Devin

Cities for sale: Privatization of local government services, Deborah Mongeau

Manuscripts from 1992

Between the scientist and the lawmaker: The u.s. office of technology assessment, Deborah Mongeau and Pamela Stoddard

Electronic databases for linguistic and language research, Beatrice T. Oshika and Sylvia C. Krausse

Manuscripts from 1991

An evaluation of journals in physical education, athletics, and sports, Michael A. Miranda and Deborah Mongeau

Guide to the records of the United States Senate at the National Archives, 1789-1987, Bicentennial Edition. By Robert W. Coren, et al., prepared under the direction of Walter J. Stewart. Washington, DC: National Archives and Records Administration, Center for Legislative Archives, Seventh Street and Pennsylvania Ave., NW, 20408, 1989, 356 pages. SuDoc Y1.1/3:100-42. LC88-36037, Deborah Mongeau

Manuscripts from 1990

Biochemistry and environmental biology: A comparative citation analysis, John Laurence Kelland

Biographical directory of the united states congress, 1774-1989, bicentennial edition. By Kathryn Allamong Jacob and Bruce A. Ragsdale, editors-in-chief. Prepared by U.S. Congress. Joint Committee on Printing. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1989, 2104 pages, $82.00 (cloth). SuDocs: Yl. 1/3:100-34. S/N 052-071-00699-1. LC 88-600335., Deborah Mongeau

The senate 1789-1989; Addresses on the history of the United States Senate. By Robert C. Byrd. Edited by Mary Sharon Hall. Prepared by U.S. Congress. Senate. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1988, 800 pages, $55.00 (cloth) SuDocs: Yl.l/3:100-20/v.l. S/N 052-071-00823-3. LC88-24545., Deborah Mongeau

User awareness and accessibility of Rhode Island state depository publications. A case study, Deborah Mongeau

Labor and industrial relations journals and serials: An annotated core collection, Michael C. Vocino and Lucille W. Cameron

Manuscripts from 1989

Who's using what?, Robin B. Devin

The impact of monographs in vertebrate zoology on the scientific literature: A citation analysis, John Laurence Kelland

Manuscripts from 1986

The humanist and computer-assisted library research, Sylvia C. Krausse and John B. Etchingham

Manuscripts from 1985

Evaluating the sociology collection, Robin B. Devin

An evaluation of the vertebrate zoology collection at the R. M. Cooper library, clemson university, John Laurence Kelland

Patterns of Authorship in Library Journals By Academic Librarians, Sylvia C. Krausse and Janice F. Sieburth