

In urban southern Nigeria there is a widespread spiritual revival pioneered by Pentecostal pastors who claim to deliver prophecies, miracles, and healings. In many places, multiple churches can be seen within a few hundred yards of each other, while in other places, different floors of multistory buildings are occupied by different church denominations. There is competition among the pastors to present themselves as spiritually powerful and financially favored by God. Some of the pastors, calling themselves “prophets,” engage in immoral and fraudulent activities. Women are the predominant followers of these male religious leaders, and sexual exploitation of vulnerable women by these religious leaders is common. The prophets sexually exploit vulnerable women with the promise of “spiritual cleansing.” Based on news reports, this article discusses cases of sexual abuse and exploitation of women and girls by their pastors in Nigeria. These cases show how prophets promise that the sexual interactions will enable the women to escape demonic possession or to fulfil the “will of God.”

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