Non-conventional methods of obtaining combustible liquid fuels
In some countries limited reserves of liquid fuel as well as the general tr end to r edu ce atmospheric contamination poses a challenging task for producers of heat energy and electricity. Solutions include methods to increase fuel combustion efficiency and at the same time reduce the amount of emissions. The increase in fuel combustion efficiency as a solution to this problem resides in continuously improving the design of burners and the technology of liquid fuel combustion. An increase in liquid fuel can be accomplished by treatment by cavitation of mixtures of black oil, water, unconditioned hydrocarbons, refinery and coal industry wastes, tank washes, biomass and other materials. Black oil contains hydrocarbons with molecular weights from 70-210. Flow in intricate cha nnels of flui d vor te x conv er ters is mod elled both mat hematically and experimentally. The key task was to obtain ultra-fine emulsions and suspensions. The maximum effect is achieved with fluid dynamic and acoustic cavitation in the flow fuel mixtures. Results for experiments in obtaining artificial composite liquid fuel (ACLF) and their effective combustion with the cavitation devices developed are given in this paper. The cost effectiveness of using these developments and the methods of implementing the results in different industries were demonstrated.