Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Community Planning (MCP)


Community Planning and Area Development

First Advisor

Farhad Atash


The purpose of this research project is to determine how North Stonington, Connecticut, can best protect and enhance the character of North Stonington Village through land development regulations.

The character of North Stonington Village is in jeopardy as a direct result of its current land development regulations. Stated in both the North Stonington Zoning Regulations (1985) and, indirectly, in the North Stonington Plan of Development (1981), the citizens of North Stonington desire to protect and enhance the Village's character to ensure its unique sense of place.

The main product of this work is a proposed Village District. This district, if adopted, would effectively protect and enhance the character of North Stonington Village because the proposed district's regulations are based on tile Village's specific character-defining elements.

However, because one of the integral elements of this district is to increase the permitted building density by lowering the minimum lot size, the recommended Village District presents environmental issues which must be addressed. Therefore, the recommended regulations presented in this work are dependent upon establishing alternative sewage disposal and/or water supply in the Village which will mitigate primary negative environmental effects of increased building density. This work also presents general and master planning recommendations that are intended to enhance the Village. These recommendations address the existing sign ordinance, a possible historic overlay district and relevant design guidelines, a parking study, the Town Commons, new parcels for infill development, and circulation.

All of the recommendations presented in this work intend to make the Village a better place to live, work, and visit by protecting and enhancing the characteristics that contribute to its sense of place.



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