Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Child Development and Family Relations


Child Development and Family Relations

First Advisor

George J. Fitzelle


The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of couple participation in childbirth preparation classes on parenthood adjustment during the initial six-week postpartum period. Subjects were recruited through the Childbirth Education Association of Rhode Island and local obstetricians. Of the original 42 primiparous couples contacted during the last trimester of their pregnancies, 25 completed the requirements of participation by filling out two questionnaires, which included the Locke and Wallace Short Marital Adjustment Scale (1959), the Beauchamp Parenthood Adjustment Scale (1968), and additional demographic data. Although couple participation in a childbirth preparation program did not significantly affect parenthood adjustment, significant findings related to such variables as age, education, '·social class, and length of marriage were found to be factors relating to parenthood adjustment.



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