Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Marine Affairs


The revival of interest in traditional small craft during the past decade is evidenced in the growth of related associations, museums, and publications and is shown to be reflective of much broader socio-cultural trends. No study has yet been done, however, to determine what motivates the interest of small craft enthusiasts. Are they athletes, retired people, cruising boat owners, or craftsmen? Can they be defined by income level or occupation?

These questions, among others, are addressed through analysis of an interest survey which was distributed randomly to members of two Newport, Rhode Island, yacht clubs, and also to attendants at a small craft festival at the Mystic Seaport Museum. These surveys were analyzed using the Statistical Analysis System at the University of Rhode Island Academic Computer Center. The cultural and esthetic movement of the decade is juxtaposed against current economic realities in the analysis.