

Mutsumi Ogaki received B.S. in Criminology with an emphasis on Forensic Behavioral Science from the California State University, Fresno. She currently works as a research associate in the Department of Criminology at the university to examine violence intervention strategies using social network analysis. Her research interests include social network analysis, community context of crime, and gender inequality issues. Born and raised in Japan, she is also interested in examining cultural and social risk factors particular to sex offenses in Asian countries.


Jyoshi kousei (JK) means high school girls in Japanese and “JK business” is an umbrella term for commercial activities done by high school girls to provide male customers with sexual arousal. The “JK business” is considered to promote sexual exploitation or sexual assault of minors. Currently, only two prefectures out of 47 in Japan enforce ordinances that specifically regulate the “JK business.” This paper intends to explore possible theoretical explanations of the “JK business” to raise awareness on the issue. Gendered pathways theory and sexual script theory are selected as the primary source of the discussions. Policy implications and future research recommendations derived from the discussion are provided.

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